
If you really, really love me, tell me

That you can’t survive a day without me

That you want me so much that you obsess over me

If you really, really want me, tell me

That your eyes don’t wander for a second

That you’re different from all others

Sometimes I want a lie that’s not a lie


46 thoughts on “Really

  1. These lines have me searching for the one that I love most in my mind so I can rush to her and say it to her all but.. ‘error 404, not found’ 😄, really enjoyed the emotion out of it. Nice one.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. i wish i could l could love like that — my beloved divine – with total dedication, no lies, no illusions — love, just the pure heart of complete giving. Thank you for writing so well and bringing light to my heart.

        Liked by 2 people

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